Reptile behavior

  • Education,  Reptile behavior

    Is my tegu mean or hormonal?

    I like to be transparent with you all because I don’t want anyone to impulsively get a tegu and think they are all super cuddly. That is not always the case. Everyone has bad days, and you need to expect it. I think it would be highly irresponsible of me to not show the bad. By showing my mistakes, I hope it can teach you what to do and what not to do.  Over the years, I am sure many of you have seen videos of Winston trying to bite my lady chest apples, my shoe off my foot, my skirt one time, my hand, and trying to bite at…

  • Education,  Husbandry,  Reptile behavior

    Thriving vs. Surviving

    There is a difference between thriving and surviving. There is also a difference between innocently not knowing and not caring. Many animals that require an enclosure of some sort, are often mistreated or kept improperly. Most often it’s due to lack of knowledge and experience. And just because someone may have enough money to buy or adopt an animal, does not mean they can afford to take care of them. I have enough money to buy a tiger but I’m not doing it! People say, “Reptiles have no emotions. They only know to bite and will not want to interact with you. Reptiles only like you for warmth and food.…

  • Reptile behavior

    Bonding with your reptile is always a special moment

    Each day, when I walk in Winston’s room, he will leave his castle to greet me. It is almost dog like behavior, just not as excitable. Then he will follow me around his room until I sit down or will sit in the bean bag and stare at me until I sit with him. You can tell he looks forward to hanging out with me and will stay on my lap for enjoyment until he needs to go back and bask. Winston does not use me for body heat and will leave his heat source to sit with me. And when he starts to get cold, he will go back…