
We all know that dogs and cats need toys to stay stimulated and to keep them from getting bored and destroying the house. Fish need places to hide so they feel more at ease. Children need toys to learn problem solving skills. Games also help with social skills as we tend to play with others. We all need some sort of enrichment and stimulation. So why not reptiles? 

Many people see reptiles as mindless eating machines that have no capability to show any sort of intelligence. But what if I told you, you could completely change your reptile’s mood and behavior by just giving them some basic enrichment? 

Often, I see very bare enclosures. As an anxious person with more experience, I try my best not to jump to conclusions and assume. The idea of reptiles enjoying things is still new to a lot of people. So, I give positive input when needed. I read something recently from someone that said, “since reptiles don’t know what it is like to be in their natural environment, then there is no point in adding anything other than a rock for basking.” That could not be any further from the truth. If you give them the space and enrichment, they will utilize all of it and you will see a totally different reptile. 

First step in making your reptile happy, is to mimic their natural environment to encourage instincts and natural behavior. I know many people get concerned about loose substrate with some species such as geckos and bearded dragons. But there are still ways to mimic their native environment with large rocks, logs, sticks, hides and platforms. If you are on a tight budget and can’t afford or find rocks, I have found it fun to make my own out of Styrofoam from packages I bought online during COVID lockdown. You can carve the foam with a hot knife to your desired shape to fit in the enclosure and then grout the foam completely to look like a real rock. There is more to it so maybe I’ll show you all someday. It is a fun and rewarding project for you and your reptiles. 

After setting up your reptile’s home to be more naturalistic, you will start to see behaviors that they would exhibit in the wild. They will climb more; they will run more, and you will notice a huge different in their attitude. 

Their enclosure is one of the most important items they need. Making their home just right for them should be a fun bonding experience. Doing this will help you learn more about your reptile’s behavior and their needs. It is so fun to see how much they change as soon as they go in their new setup. Then you can get to know them more and see what their likes and dislikes are. Their goofy personalities will also start showing. It is so rewarding and so fun to make your pets happy.